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  1. Even if the same genetic face , the velocity is very different because of different location . for example , the velocity of the vicinity and beyond of estuary bar is respectively 238 . 33mm / ka and 0 . 89 mm / ka . the paper has also related the deposital velocity of delta with quite deep lake of eogene of jiyang basin and the okinawa trough of quaternary and contemporarily shore
    即使是同一成因相,其所处的位置不同,沉积速率也有较大的差距,如分流河口坝(近端)与分流河口坝(远端)的沉积速率分别为238 . 33mm / ka和0 . 89mm / ka 。
  2. ( 1 ) manages contemporarily masses of the service requests delivered and gets rid of the request congestion . ( 2 ) achieves the service criterion of the electric - power enterprises and e - business management . ( 3 ) makes full use of the resource of the computer , the network , the
    电子化的电力客户服务中心建成后,电力公司将实现: ( 1 )同时处理大量的并发服务请求,消灭服务请求拥塞现象; ( 2 )业务处理过程电子化,规范企业自身的服务行为; ( 3 )充分利用企业计算机、网络、通信设施和信息资源; ( 4 )最大限度地发挥电力企业专家库资源效能; ( 5 )全面提高客户服务水平,树立良好的社会形象; ( 6 )促进电力供应、销售模式的变革。
  3. For the original quality being aimed at is powerful , the administration theory fruit that to utilize contemporarily the freshest was propose according with the business to reach such the marketplace environment association inventory control model , and possess the appropriate depth , therefore being subjected to that the jiangsu mu yang group administers the high concern of stratum , being sucked up in the scheme of reform of corporation
  4. Chapter - - giving a analysis on the quality of the ethnic minority cadres and their educational requirement . with the method of anthropological field work , making a investigation and analysis on the ethnic minority cadres " position , role and individual comprehensive qualities , to summarize the major issues existing contemporarily
    第四部分? ?少数民族干部素质现状与教育需求分析。运用社会学和民族学田调查方法,对少数民族干部的地位、作用和综合素质进行调研分析,概括了当前少数民族干部综合素质现状与教育需求特点。
  5. Before ascertaining the research problem , it is important to review the history and reality of china agriculture infrastructure investment and summarize the fact , and contemporarily it is expected that reality facts support logical ratiocination and form the supposition basis al end


  1. contemporaneousheterotopicfacies 什么意思
  2. contemporaneousness 什么意思
  3. contemporaneousvein 什么意思
  4. contemporanrously uncorrelated variables 什么意思
  5. contemporanul 什么意思
  6. contemporary 什么意思
  7. contemporary (l03) 什么意思
  8. contemporary art 什么意思
  9. contemporary artistic development 什么意思
  10. contemporary arts 什么意思


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