that instant中文什么意思

发音:   用"that instant"造句
即刻, 马上
  • that:    pron. (pl. those ) ...
  • instant:    adj. 1.迫切的,紧急的。 2. ...
  • on the instant:    立即, 马上
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  1. So in that moment , that instant , the cry shot right up to the brahma world
  2. So in that moment , that instant , the cry shot right up to the brahma worlds
  3. You , old chap ! he heard a husky voice shouting from behind at that instant
    你这个丑家伙! ”这时他后面传来嘶哑的嗓音。
  4. In that instant , something like a spark in the dark captured my eyes
  5. He had been so excited that till that instant he had not had time to think of that


  1. that i will never die 什么意思
  2. that i would lay down my face 什么意思
  3. that i would love to live by the sea 什么意思
  4. that if i hurt someone else 什么意思
  5. that inghang pagoda 什么意思
  6. that instinct 什么意思
  7. that is 什么意思
  8. that is a beautiful city 什么意思
  9. that is a car 什么意思
  10. that is a clever hit 什么意思


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