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  1. It is well known that in patients who suffer from starvation , chronic metabolic acidosis , chronic renal insufficiency , distal renal tubular acidosis and nephrolithiasis , the reabsorption of urinary citrate is increased and the excretion is decreased in kidney
  2. Ammonium chloride is rapidly absorbed from the gastro - intestinal tract . the ammonium ion is converted in urea into the liver ; the anion thus liberated into the blood stream and extracellular fluids causes a metabolic acidosis and decreases the ph of the urine ; this is followed by a transient diuresis
  3. Diabetes may be controlled with diet , medication and exercise . however the disease can be come uncontrollable and most common acute complications are insulin shock due to decreased blood sugar and diabetic acidosis due to elevated blood sugar . the patient may become unconscious in either situation
  4. It seems to be a genetically based insufficiency of insulin , due to either heredity or a viral component . diabetes may be controlled with diet , medication and exercise . however the disease can be come uncontrollable and most common acute complications are insulin shock due to decreased blood sugar and diabetic acidosis due to elevated blood sugar
  5. A number of conditions causing inadequate entilation ( airway obstruction , pneumonia atelectasis , pleural effusion , and hypoentilation due to the pain of abdominal incisions or to abdominal distention limiting diaphragmatic excursion ) may exist singly or in combination to produce respiratory acidosis


  1. abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues


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  8. acidosis symptom 什么意思
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