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UMT = Universal Military Training 〔美国〕普遍军训。
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  1. According to the latest technology used in vehicles , signal , ticket examination and safety system , the author holds that umt in china has been greatly improved
  2. In a word , although china is able to produce umt vehicles and various technical equipment for practical use , the formulation of a strict standard and a larger scale home - manufacture of umt equipment is still expected
  3. There are 7 basic principles of joint development of urban mass transit ( umt ) construction and land use along the lines , related to the sustainable development of a city and the overall planning of its transport construction
  4. Shanghai pearl line , the no . 3 umt line in shanghai , has 128 vehicles for 28 train composition , among which 12 vehicles were manufactured by alston , and the rest assembled in china with the technical support of alston
    摘要上海轨道交通3号线电动车辆168辆28列车的首2列12辆车由法国阿尔斯通公司生? ,其馀采用法国阿尔斯通公司的技术在浦镇车辆工厂组装。
  5. The author argues that a better solution to the cost of metro construction is to work out a well - conceived plan , optimize the design of umt and invest at each stage of the construction , so as to consummate the systematic function gradually


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