abin sur造句


  1. Outraged at how the Guardians'need for control caused the death of Abin Sur, Sinestro stabs Ganthet with his ring.
  2. For example, it is established that during World War 2, Bulletman met the long-lived Green Lantern Abin Sur.
  3. This led to a confrontation with Amon Sur, who turns out to be the son of their predecessor, Abin Sur.
  4. Some time later, Abin Sur began making periodic visits to Ysmault, and began to ask questions regarding the Blackest Night.
  5. The following month, New Zealanders Temuera Morrison and Taika Waititi had joined the cast as Abin Sur and Tom Kalmaku, respectively.
  6. It's difficult to find abin sur in a sentence. 用abin sur造句挺难的
  7. Abin Sur later sacrifices his soul to assist the Swamp Thing in rescuing his infant daughter Tef?Holland from the demon Nergal in Hell.
  8. Sinestro then speaks of the prophecy that Oa will be destroyed and relates a story of Abin Sur and the Lantern view on destiny:
  9. Hal agrees to accept the responsibility of wielding the ring in the cause of justice, and with that, Abin Sur passes away.
  10. On one such occasion he fatally attacks Green Lantern Abin Sur; but Atrocitus is returned to confinement by ( then Green Lantern ) Sinestro.
  11. However, when Jordan reveals that Sur is dead, Natromo destroys the battery, believing that there is no hope with Abin Sur dead.
  12. In Hal Jordan's origin story, Abin Sur passed on his ring to Hal because he was unable to treat his own fatal injuries.
  13. At one point, Abin Sur imprisons the evil wizard Myrhydden inside his own ring, depriving him of the voice needed to cast his spells.
  14. The sadness and compassion she feels for what she did to Abin Sur and his daughter is the spark that enables Natromo to reforge the battery.
  15. Abin Sur imprisoned Magone on a prison planet where time did not pass, an action that would have ripples throughout the Corps for decades to come.
  16. The spaceship contains the corpse of an alien named Rhomann Sur ( an amalgamation of Marvel's Rhomann Dey and DC's Abin Sur ).
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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