


  1. It is not known precisely what the legal consequences are for an unregistered animagus , but they are apparently rather severe , as the threat of exposure as an unregistered animagus was enough to persuade rita skeeter to take a year off from her job as a scandal - mongering reporter ( gf37 )
    我们并不清楚未注册的阿尼马格斯将面临什么样的法律后果,但肯定是相当严厉的,因为威胁泄露丽塔?斯基特是未注册阿尼马格斯的秘密足以迫使她一年内不再进行诽谤别人的记者工作( gf37 ) 。
  2. It's difficult to find animagus in a sentence. 用animagus造句挺难的
  3. 更多例句:  上一页  


  1. "animafilm"造句
  2. "animage"造句
  3. "animagi"造句
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  6. "animahenasyon"造句
  7. "animais"造句
  8. "animakee wa zhing 37 first nation"造句
  9. "animal"造句
  10. "animal evolution"造句

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