


  1. you have to know your own limitations and recognize when you're on a bad streak so you can get out of a game before you break your bankroll
  2. bankroll advice : knowing when to quit when you sit down at your favorite game you should really have only one thing on your mind-playing the best poker you can
  3. the worst thing about these kinds of comments is that they re exactly what you can expect to hear from the people who will bankroll, market, and use your application
  4. to avoid charges that the recount was being bankrolled by special interests the bushies imposed a 5 000 cap on individual donations a pr gesture they now regret
  5. congress authorized the first $ 200 million in 2003 but unexpectedly delayed a decision on bankrolling earthscope's next decade of operations and maintenance
  6. It's difficult to find bankrolls in a sentence. 用bankrolls造句挺难的
  7. insurance is by the numerous individual that faces same risk and unit bankroll, partake to suffer losing small number of people actually among them losing a kind of system
  8. but, from 2002, domestic companies, bankrolled by the state, moved into the mobile handset business and their cut-throat pricing destroyed profits for everybody
  9. michael corleone : wait a minute . you took freddy because corleone family bankrolled your casino, and the molinari family guaranteed his safety . now we talking business, let's talk business
  10. the kingdom's survival depended invariably on its being bankrolled by outside powers ? at first the british, then the americans, sometimes ( for too long ) iraq, occasionally the saudis
  11. the reasons for their choice may vary, but often include the size of their starting bankroll, and the amount of money they feel comfortable wagering in a particular hand or throughout a session
  12. the japanese public also regularly voices its displeasure in opinion polls at continuing to bankroll china when its people are generally hostile to japan and its astronauts are able to beat their japanese counterparts into space
  13. but elevator suo by means of yi frequency changer, request by far to kao, also all yi hat, necessitate ask for has ranking brain trust and male thick bankroll make out shield, then can attainment these mission, for reach bourne no cherish go over huge money
  14. america's huge budget deficit economists say is being bankrolled by china to the tune of one billion dollars per day through its purchase of us treasury bills 200 billion dollars last year and possibly as much as 300
  15. america's huge budget deficit, economists say, is being bankrolled by china to the tune of one billion dollars per day through its purchase of us treasury bills-200 billion dollars last year and possibly as much as 300 billion dollars already this year
  16. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


  1. "bankroll mafia"造句
  2. "bankrolled"造句
  3. "bankroller"造句
  4. "bankrollers"造句
  5. "bankrolling"造句
  6. "bankrupcies"造句
  7. "bankrupcy"造句
  8. "bankrupt"造句
  9. "bankrupt account"造句
  10. "bankrupt act"造句

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