biblical account of creation造句


  1. According to historian Geoffrey Blainey, in recent centuries, literalist biblical accounts of creation were undermined by scientific discoveries in geology and biology, leading various thinkers to question the idea that God created the universe all.
  2. In the Bible Belt, they said, they have little incentive to risk attacks from conservative parents over questions of evolution versus biblical accounts of creation, especially when those subjects are not in state-mandated tests.
  3. Nathan Robertson a researcher in Biophysics has also released a book titled " The First Six Days " which claims to reconcile the scientific theory of the beginnings of the universe and life with the biblical account of creation.
  4. Morris introduces his section on geology with the frank statement that Bible-believing Christians face " a serious dilemma " because contemporary geologists present " an almost unanimous verdict " against the biblical account of creation and the Flood.
  5. The Christian activists who helped sweep Ronald Reagan to power were mocked for trusting the biblical account of creation and disdaining evolutionary science; they sang hymns about the Rock of Ages, but were indifferent to the age of rocks.
  6. It's difficult to find biblical account of creation in a sentence. 用biblical account of creation造句挺难的
  7. Darwin's theory _ that humankind was the product of a slow, evolutionary process from early forms of life _ conflicts with the literal biblical account of creation, that the world, including humans, was created in six days.
  8. Charles Darwin's theory last century that man was the product of a slow, evolutionary process from early forms of life conflicted with the literal Biblical account of creation, that the world, including man, was created in six days.
  9. By not challenging the evidence supporting evolution, the Vatican places the Catholic viewpoint in sharp contrast to that of some fundamentalist Christian groups that follow the literal biblical account of creation that the world, including humans, was created in six days.
  10. The 2009-2013 Manual of the Church of the Nazarene states : " The Church of the Nazarene believes in the biblical account of creation ( " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . "  Genesis 1 : 1 ).
  11. In 2009, the Seventh-day Adventist Church held an international creation emphasis day as part of a " worldwide denominational celebration of the biblical account of creation . " The event was part of a church initiative to underscore its commitment to a literal creation model.
  12. Hypocritically, Buffon replied that he believed firmly in the biblical account of creation, and was able to continue printing his book, and remain in position as the leader of the'old school', complete with his job as director of the royal botanical garden.
  13. The issues were constitutional : whether the state could deny and prohibit the dissemination of the sum of intellectual inquiry, and whether the biblical account of creation, as understood by fundamentalist Protestant Christians, could be established as the sole legitimate explanation of the origin of the universe permitted in public schools in Tennessee.
  14. The Nazarene " Manual ", a document crafted to provide Biblical guidance and denominational expression for Church members, states : " The Church of the Nazarene believes in the biblical account of creation (  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . .   Genesis 1 : 1 ).
  15. :: Note, if we " are " going to be sensitive to the feelings of believers, and avoid using the word " Myth " when describing the Biblical account of creation . . . then we should be sensitive to the feelings of all believers and not just those of Jews, Christians and Muslims.
  16. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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