


  1. but an empty-headed man acquires intelligence when the foal of a wild ass is born as a man
  2. as pretty tyburn blossom as ever was brought up to ride a horse foaled by an acorn
  3. "it really was a bit of a shock when we got up one morning and we saw the foal that was there .
  4. "it really was a bit of a shock when we got up one morning and we saw the foal that was there .
  5. the foal work conditions and the strong working intensity lead to low efficiency and plenty of detecting errors
  6. It's difficult to find foals in a sentence. 用foals造句挺难的
  7. thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals
  8. we will serve all the parents sincerely with high quality . in order to reach our foal, we will seek without end
  9. we are fortunate that we can vaccinate domastic foals against many diseases, like tetanus and equine influenza
  10. the university of kentucky has received reports of more than five-hundred dead foals or failed pregnancies since late april
  11. there we found a female, her foal and a male grazing near afar shepherds tending their sheep and goats
  12. females in the same reproductive stage ? lactating mothers with foals, for example ? may temporarily move and forage together
  13. the foal weighed in at 36 kilograms and is the first animal known to be carried and born by the mother from which she was cloned
  14. tell ye the daughter of sion, behold, thy king cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass
  15. similarly for mature females, a year in which forage is scarce will see few births and few of the foals that do make it into the world will survive
  16. sired by a stallion called forestry and foaled by a mare named magical masquerade, its pedigree was " modest in the scheme of things, " she said
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


  1. "foale nunatak"造句
  2. "foaled"造句
  3. "foales"造句
  4. "foalhood"造句
  5. "foaling"造句
  6. "foaly"造句
  7. "foam"造句
  8. "foam ability"造句
  9. "foam adhesive"造句
  10. "foam agent"造句

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