habilitation thesis造句


  1. From 1993 to 2001 she was assistant professor in Frankfurt, writing her habilitation thesis on work, justice and love.
  2. Having completed his advanced habilitation thesis in 2003, he was appointed university professor for Cultural Institutions Studies at the same institute.
  3. Kellner dedicated his translation of Caxton and his habilitation thesis to Frederick James Furnivall, founder of the Early English Text Society.
  4. In 1905, he began researching special relativity with Minkowski, and subsequently wrote his habilitation thesis on the Thomson model of the atom.
  5. This work also served as his habilitation thesis for his qualification as a " Dozent " at ETH Z黵ich, a degree awarded in 1972.
  6. It's difficult to find habilitation thesis in a sentence. 用habilitation thesis造句挺难的
  7. Also, Martin Heidegger started out his academic career as Rickert's assistant, graduated with him and then wrote his habilitation thesis under Rickert.
  8. His dissertation and habilitation thesis dealt with the reduction theory of quadratic forms, which Gauss, Charles Hermite and Hermann Minkowski had worked on previously.
  9. Probably related to that developed his interest in long-term trends of social change at the macro level which he thematized in his habilitation thesis.
  10. Heisenberg's paper on the anomalous Zeeman effect was accepted as his " Habilitationsschrift " ( Habilitation thesis ) under Max Born at G鰐tingen.
  11. In his habilitation thesis on Fourier series, Riemann characterized this work of Dirichlet as " " the first profound paper about the subject " ".
  12. Terhardt's Habilitation thesis ( 1972 ) was entitled " Ein Funktionsschema der Tonh鰄enwahrnehmung von Kl鋘gen " ( A model of pitch perception in complex sounds ).
  13. She completed a habilitation thesis in 1914 on the theory of integrals, and continued to work on Fourier analysis and Dirichlet series for the next several years.
  14. He wrote his doctoral thesis in 1969 on mass rearing of larval herring and his habilitation thesis in 1981 on closed-circuit systems in fish farming and research.
  15. In 1939, he became privatdozent for his seminal work and habilitation thesis " Naujausis proistorinis tyrinjims duomenys " ( Findings of the Most Recent Archaeological Explorations ).
  16. He began his career as a pathologist at the University of Freiburg, under famous pathologist Ludwig Aschoff and wrote his habilitation thesis on the diagnosis and development of gastric cancer.
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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  7. "habilitations"造句
  8. "habilitationschrift"造句
  9. "habilitationsschrift"造句
  10. "habilitationssschrift"造句

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