mystical body of christ造句


  1. Paul VI considers " Mystici Corporis ", the doctrine of the Church as " Mystical Body of Christ ", timely and urgent and relevant to the needs of the Church in his day.
  2. The encyclical builds on a theological development in the 1920s and 1930s of the 20th century in Italy, France, Germany and England, which all re-discovered the ancient Pauline concept of the Mystical Body of Christ.
  3. He said that the " consensus " of the faithful is to be regarded as " a sort of instinct, or " phronma ", deep in the bosom of the mystical body of Christ ".
  4. As referenced in the encyclical on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pius XII, 1943, her fiat gave consent for a spiritual marriage between the Son of God and human nature, thus giving humanity the means to salvation.
  5. It is a blessing, a necessity _ it is a requirement for the mystical body of Christ to remain one body . . . . The church gathers around the papacy, and supplies the resources for its rebirth and continued life.
  6. It's difficult to find mystical body of christ in a sentence. 用mystical body of christ造句挺难的
  7. In Roman Catholic theology the use of the phrase " mystical body " distinguishes the mystical body of Christ, the Church, from the physical body of Christ, and from a " moral body " such as any club with a common purpose.
  8. This theology was largely overshadowed by the biblical theology of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ ( " Mystici Corporis Christi " ), which began to be more fully developed in the early 20th century and was affirmed by Pope Pius XII in 1943.
  9. The Catholic Church likewise teaches that the " true Church of Jesus Christ . . . is the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church ", and that " the Mystical Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same thing ".
  10. It was in his books, most notably " The Kingship of Christ and Organised Naturalism " ( 1943 ) and " The Mystical Body of Christ and the Reorganisation of Society " ( 1945 ), that Fahey began to turn his attention to more political matters.
  11. In another document promulgated on the same day ( 21 November 1964 ) as " Lumen gentium ", the Council did in fact refer to " the Holy Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ " ( Decree " Orientalium ecclesiarum ", 2 ).
  12. Man can thus make some sort of reparation to the justice of God for his own offences against Him, and by virtue of the Communion of the Saints, the oneness and solidarity of the mystical Body of Christ, he can also make satisfaction and reparation for the sins of others.
  13. She wrote that when they died, " All the nation mourned . " As a Catholic, she felt a sense of solidarity with them, specifically " the very sense of solidarity which made me gradually understand the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ whereby we are all members of one another ."
  14. In the instructions for his funeral Mass, Lluberas asked that the celebrant convey to the congregation that, " all during my illness, I, as a member of the Mystical Body of Christ, was embraced by countless other members of His Body, in such a way that the yoke of my illness became very easy to bear ."
  15. The model of Church as Mystical Communion draws on two major Biblical images, the first of the " Mystical Body of Christ " ( as developed in Paul's Epistles ) and the second of the " People of God . " This image goes beyond the Aristotelian-Scholastic model of " " Communitas Perfecta " " held in previous centuries.
  16. Roman Catholic theology, reacting against the Protestant concept of an invisible Church, emphasized the visible aspect of the Church founded by Christ, but in the twentieth century placed more stress on the interior life of the Church as a supernatural organism, identifying the Church, as in the encyclical Mystici corporis Christi of Pope Pius XII, with the Mystical Body of Christ.
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