no-traded clause造句

"no-traded clause"是什么意思   


  1. Because he is the yankee fans love to hate , rodriguez will be the subject of trade talks this winter despite him having a no - trade clause he isn ' t willing to waive unless the yankees beg him to leave
  2. The los angeles lakers and chicago bulls have been having daily discussions about bryant trade possibilities for at least the past week , with bryant ' s no - trade clause throwing a unique wrench into the situation , according to sources
  3. Bryant has a no - trade clause and can potentially steer his way to the knicks , however unlikely . in figures released yesterday , bryant ' s jersey was the nba ' s no . 1 seller . marbury ' s ranked seventh
  4. The impetuous kobe was on display before the beginning of this season , and he made it clear he wanted a divorce from the lakers as quickly as possible - - although it had to be on his terms because he had a no - trade clause in his contract
    冲动的科比在本赛季开始前曾表明自己想尽快离开湖人? ?不过离不离开湖人还是他说了算,因为在他的合同上他拥有不可交易条款。
  5. It's difficult to find no-traded clause in a sentence. 用no-traded clause造句挺难的
  6. 更多例句:  上一页  


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