


  1. The Harpies, in Hesiod the daughters of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra, in one source, are said to be the daughters of Typhon.
  2. When next shown later in the series, Mera and AJ are on Oceanid, a waterworld that is being exploited by aliens for its resources.
  3. Hesiod, and the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, mention either a different Calypso or possibly the same Calypso as one of the Oceanid daughters of Doris.
  4. "' Doris "'(; ????? ), an Oceanid, was a sea nymph in Greek mythology, whose name represented the bounty of the sea.
  5. The common and scientific names are probably derived from the Greek oceanid Clymene, although it has also been argued that it may instead come from the Greek word for " notorious ".
  6. It's difficult to find oceanid in a sentence. 用oceanid造句挺难的
  7. The most significant narratives of his origin appear in the " Theogony " of Hesiod which relates Prometheus as being the son of the Titan Iapetus by Clymene, one of the Oceanids.
  8. The name is taken from the Greek mythological figure Tethys, sister and consort of Oceanus and mother of the great rivers, lakes and fountains of the world and of the Oceanid sea nymphs.
  9. The spirits depart, leaving Ione and Panthea to discuss the spirits'message with Prometheus, and Prometheus recalls the Oceanid Asia, and the Act ends with Panthea telling Prometheus that Asia awaits him.
  10. In literature, she might be given various genealogies, as a daughter of Hermes and Aphrodite, or considered as one of the Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus and Agathos Daimon ( " good spirit " ).
  11. The Harpies, in Hesiod the daughters of Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra, in one source, are said to be the daughters of Typhon, and so perhaps were also considered to be the daughters of Echidna.
  12. Mera and AJ team up with Aquaman to defeat the aliens and Mera chooses to stay with her former husband in Atlantis, while AJ remains behind on Oceanid to act as its protector and champion, assuming the role of Aquaman.
  13. This goddess should not be confused with the minor Oceanid also named Ceto, or with various mythological beings referred to as " ketos " ( plural " ketea " ); this is a general term for " sea monster " in Ancient Greek.
  14. The most likely circumstance, based on the testimony of Pausanias, is that both authors took their themes from a religion known to and believed in by all the Hellenes; thus, it is probably best to assume that Eurynome the Oceanid is the same Oceanid of ancient Greek belief mentioned in all the classical sources.
  15. The most likely circumstance, based on the testimony of Pausanias, is that both authors took their themes from a religion known to and believed in by all the Hellenes; thus, it is probably best to assume that Eurynome the Oceanid is the same Oceanid of ancient Greek belief mentioned in all the classical sources.
  16. According to Hesiod, Echidna was born to a " she " who was probably meant by Hesiod to be the sea goddess Ceto, making Echidna's likely father the sea god Phorcys; however the " she " might instead refer to the Oceanid Callirhoe, which would make Medusa's offspring Chrysaor the father of Echidna.
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