- This change frustrated the grill method and the cyclometer card catalog.
- In 1895, Curtis Hussey Veeder invented the cyclometer.
- The Poles developed the cyclometer and card catalog.
- Even with the cyclometer, preparing the catalog was a long and difficult task.
- Polish cryptographers developed the Cyclometer in the 1930s.
- It's difficult to find cyclometer in a sentence. 用cyclometer造句挺难的
- The Xtrainer also doubles as a cyclometer.
- Using " cyclometer " for circle-squarer, Augustus de Morgan wrote in 1872:
- The result was the cyclometer and corresponding card catalog; that method was immune to steckers.
- The cyclometer and the " bomba kryptologiczna " were later exploitations of the doubled key.
- WP has a drawing of the Cyclometer claiming public domain : : file : Cyclometer4 . png.
- CROSS a stopwatch, cyclometer and a heart rate monitor and you get Polar's Xtrainer Plus.
- Some innovations introduced in bicycles designed for military use found their way to civilian markets as well, such as cyclometer.
- Rejewski, in 1934 or 1935, devised a machine to facilitate this task, called a " cyclometer ".
- But given the option of doing more riding, I was compelled to go another 15 miles to reach 400 on my cyclometer.
- The catalog was constructed using Rejewski's " cyclometer ", a special-purpose device for creating a catalog of permutations.
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