
发音:   用"cabby"造句
〔美口〕出租汽车司机 (=cabman)。
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  1. The cabby read out of the paper he had got hold of that the former viceroy , earl cadogan , had presided at the cabdrivers association dinner in london somewhere
    马车夫看着手里的报纸,大声念了一段前任总督卡多根伯爵在伦敦某地主持马车夫协会晚餐会的消息260 。
  2. I was deeply impressed not only by the nice old ladies and gentlemen who lived near the park but by the cabbies , porters and blacks in the slums
  3. " ching man hui bin ? " means " where do you want to go ? " transport department has produced a short film " super cabbies " for this forum , i hope you liked that short film
  4. " ching man hui bin ? " means " where do you want to go ? " transport department has produced a short film " super cabbies " for this forum , i hope you liked that short film
  5. Of course nobody being acquainted with his movements even before , there was absolutely no clue as to his whereabouts which were decidedly of the alice , where art thou order even prior to his starting to go under several aliases such as fox and stewart , so the remark which emanated from friend cabby might be within the bounds of possibility
    当然,就连他在这之前的活动也无人知晓,关于他的行踪,丝毫没有线索。即使在他开始使用福克斯啦斯图尔特205等等化名之前,就已完全是“艾丽斯,你在那里? ” 206式的了。


  1. someone who drives a taxi for a living
    同义词:taxidriver, taximan, cabdriver, cabman, hack driver, hack-driver, livery driver


  1. cabbie 什么意思
  2. cabbies 什么意思
  3. cabble 什么意思
  4. cabbling 什么意思
  5. cabbua 什么意思
  6. cabc 什么意思
  7. cabcaben 什么意思
  8. cabd computer aided building design 什么意思
  9. cabd system 什么意思
  10. cabdalla 什么意思


《西部世界》第二季剧透来袭  (双语)

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