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  1. Just as significant , we saw the importance of using a data transfer object now being called an sdo and custom methods on entity ejbs to minimize the chattiness between layers , even when the local interface is used
    更有意义的是,我们看到了在实体ejb上使用数据传输对象(现在称为sdo )和自定义方法的重要性,其最小化了不同层之间的隔阂,即便在使用本地接口的时候也是这样。
  2. I built entity cmps for each object in the class diagram above , with a key and data transfer object returned by a custom method , just as you suggested , in order to minimize the chattiness between layers
    正如您所建议的那样,为了最小化各层之间的分歧,我通过使用定制方法返回的关键字( key )和数据传输对象( data transfer object , dto ) ,在上面的类图表中为每一个对象创建了实体cmp 。
  3. We introduced some characteristics of service - oriented architectures ; for example , to minimize the chattiness between a service and its client , the service must be coarse - grained , stateless , and must normally assemble a data transfer object that collects all the properties returned to the client application
    中,我们介绍了面向服务的体系结构的一些特征;例如,为了尽可能减少服务和其客户机间频繁的对话,服务必须为粗粒度的无状态服务,而且必须正常组装数据传输对象( dto ) ,此类对象会收集所有从客户机应用程序返回的属性。


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