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  1. Traversing the long and matted gallery , i descended the slippery steps of oak ; then i gained the hall : i halted there a minute ; i looked at some pictures on the walls one , i remember , represented a grim man in a cuirass , and one a lady with powdered hair and a pearl necklace , at a bronze lamp pendent from the ceiling , at a great clock whose case was of oak curiously carved , and ebon black with time and rubbing
  2. I must dip my hand again and again in the basin of blood and water , and wipe away the trickling gore . i must see the light of the unsnuffed candle wane on my employment ; the shadows darken on the wrought , antique tapestry round me , and grow black under the hangings of the vast old bed , and quiver strangely over the doors of a great cabinet opposite - whose front , divided into twelve panels , bore , in grim design , the heads of the twelve apostles , each enclosed in its separate panel as in a frame ; while above them at the top rose an ebon crucifix and a dying christ


  1. of a very dark black


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  5. ebomiku 什么意思
  6. ebon atoll 什么意思
  7. ebonation 什么意思
  8. ebone 什么意思
  9. ebong 什么意思
  10. ebongalame 什么意思


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