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  1. He working group on influenza vaccination under the scientific committee of vaccine preventable diseases today december 2 released a statement on conclusions concerning two patients with encephalitis and suspected guillain - barre syndrome following influenza vaccination
  2. The working group on influenza vaccination under the scientific committee of vaccine preventable diseases today ( december 2 ) released a statement on conclusions concerning two patients with encephalitis and suspected guillain - barre syndrome following influenza vaccination
  3. The vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccines . as it is unknown whether influenza vaccination is causally associated with increased risk of recurrent guillain - barr syndrome , persons with previous history of gbs are advised to consult their doctors before receiving the vaccine
    由于现时尚未清楚接种流感疫苗与复发性吉-巴氏综合症guillain - barr syndrome gbs之间的因果关系,曾患上吉-巴氏综合症的人士应在接种流感疫苗前向医生查询。
  4. The vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccines . as it is unknown whether influenza vaccination is causally associated with increased risk of recurrent guillain - barr syndrome , persons with previous history of gbs are advised to consult their doctors before receiving the vaccine
    由于现时尚未清楚接种流感疫苗与复发性吉-巴氏综合症之间的因果关系,曾患上吉-巴氏综合症guillain - barresyndrome gbs的人士应在接种流感疫苗前向医生查询。
  5. The vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccines . as it is unknown whether influenza vaccination is causally associated with increased risk of recurrent guillain - barrm syndrome , persons with previous history of gbs are advised to consult their doctors before receiving the vaccine
    由于现时尚未清楚接种流感疫苗与复发性吉-巴氏综合症之间的因果关系,曾患上吉-巴氏综合症guillain - barresyndrome gbs的人士应在接种流感疫苗前向医生查询。


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