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  1. Provide a new non - accountable miscellaneous expenses allowance of 4 , 000 per month to cover items like entertainment expenses , self - development courses and minor purchases , and to delegate to the secretary for financial services and the treasury the authority to approve future revisions of the mea annually on 1 january by reference to the movement of consumer price index , be it an inflation or deflation year ; and
    增设每月4 , 000元非实报实销的杂项开支津贴,用以支付酬酢开支个人进修费用和小额购物等开支,以及授权财经事务及库务局局长,批准日后的杂项开支津贴款额在每年1月1日按甲类消费物价指数的变动幅度不论在通胀或通缩的年度,作出调整及


  1. non-acceptance of the lowest bids 什么意思
  2. non-accepted bill 什么意思
  3. non-accessible flat roof 什么意思
  4. non-accidental injury 什么意思
  5. non-accidental injury to child 什么意思
  6. non-accountable allowance 什么意思
  7. non-accountable cash allowance 什么意思
  8. non-accountable gross floor area 什么意思
  9. non-accounting error 什么意思
  10. non-accounting information 什么意思


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