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  1. And it describes the position of the testing platform hi cdma2000 network in third chapter . in the forth chapter it details the interface between the testing platform and pdsn system and how to implement the access - testing platform under linux . last section figures out a conclusion
  2. With a combination of the design principles and characteristics of pdsn , a method for compressing data packet using mppc compressing algorithm is put forward . after studying ppp protocol and mppc compressing standards , an algorithm using packet matching sliding window buffer to code and decode is provided . considering not making a great change of current pdsn system , a mppc compressing module is designed and the function to compress data packet through vxworks platform is implemented
    作者首先阐述了pdsn系统的工作原理和系统结构,对移动用户与pdsn之间的数据传输进行了分析,并结合pdsn系统的设计原理和特点采用mppc压缩算法对数据报文内容进行压缩;然后阐述了ppp ( pointtopointprotocol :点对点协议)协议和mppc压缩标准,采用报文匹配的滑动窗口机制进行编码和解码;接着考虑在不对现有pdsn系统进行大改动的基础上,设计了mppc压缩模块,并基于vxworks系统平台实现了对数据报文内容压缩的功能;最后对压缩功能进行了测试并给出测试数据。
  3. Having made a synthetic consideration of systematic architecture character , we decide to design a common hardware platform in order to decrease the hardware complexity and improve the system stability . the platform can be used in some different sub - systems ( such as was , cs , lr , pdsn , omc , etc . ) with their own software running on it
    为降低系统硬件复杂度、提高系统可靠性,并综合考虑系统基于ip的结构特点,将部分硬件子系统单板设计为一个通用的硬件处理平台,该平台可以应用到was 、 cs 、 lr 、 pdsn和omc子系统。
  4. Currently , it ' s more and more popular to use linux as an embedded system in developing communication devices . but for some reasons in history , some traditional embedded systems , such as vxworks , psos , are still playing a main role in some large enterprise communication equipments . for an instance , the pdsn is also developed in the vxworks embedded system
    但是由于历史的原因,在一些大型的企业级别的通讯设备的嵌入式操作系统的开发中,主要还是采用比较成熟的一些嵌入式操作系统,比如vxworks , psos等等,在本文中提到pdsn设备也是采用的vxworks嵌入式操作系统来开发的,但是linux也越来越显示出它的优势。


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