
[ 'ræmifai ]发音:   用"ramify"造句
(-fied;-fying) 〔常用被动结构〕使分枝,使分叉;分派;使交错。 Railways are ramified over the country. 铁路线分布全国。vi.
生枝,分叉;被分派,分歧;交错。 ramify into a labyrinth 分枝成迷宫状。
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  1. " new korean films " and " neo - generation " of chinese films share the common attributes in cultural orientation and artistic appreciation despite dissimilar presentations , characterized by the ramifying trend among them between marginal writing and conversion to mainstream
  2. As it was , he saw gallingly , the incident would be rolled into the horst family annals , as a pivotal and eternally ramifying moment ? the time mommy ( and , as she would become , grammy ) was stung by a bee , and funny foreign - born grampa resourcefully saved her
    现在事情到了这一步,他难堪地看到:这件事将作为极度关键永远起转折点作用的瞬间而载入霍斯特的家族史? ?妈咪(或者说,奶奶,她反正要当奶奶的)被蜂蛰时,模样滑稽出生于外国的爷爷多么机智地救了她。
  3. The garden is striving to create optimized soft environment for investment by way of constructing ramified communications network , beautified and optimized working and living environment with sincere service consciousness , substandtial working attitude and classic working efficiency to expedite each investor ' s development and prosperity in this hot land of xinqiao town


  1. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks"
    同义词:branch, fork, furcate, separate
  2. grow and send out branches or branch-like structures; "these plants ramify early and get to be very large"
  3. have or develop complicating consequences; "These actions will ramify"


  1. ramifiedtheoryoftypes 什么意思
  2. ramiflory 什么意思
  3. ramiform 什么意思
  4. ramiform pit 什么意思
  5. ramiform pitting 什么意思
  6. ramifying 什么意思
  7. ramifying fissures 什么意思
  8. ramigeon 什么意思
  9. ramik 什么意思
  10. ramikwebana river 什么意思


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