
发音:   用"terminalis"造句
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  1. Sulcus terminalis atrii dextri
  2. In mammals cvos include subfomical organ ( sfo ) , organum vesolum lamina terminalis ( ovtt ) , median eminence ( mr ) , subcommissural organ ( sco ) , recess of pineal gland ( rpg ) , paraventricular organ ( pvo ) , and area postrema ( ap ) . also neurohypophysis , choroids plexes , and pineal gland are recognized as cvos by some researchers
  3. A large number of neurons with nig - li were seen in the anterior olfactory nuclei , accumbens nucleus , septal area , 09600045 , 39970377 , 39570109 ) 9 ventral pallidum , pallidum , caudate putamen , nucleus of the stria terminalis , anterior hypothalamic area , tuber cinereum area , lateral hypothalamic area , perifornical nucleus , supraoptic nucleus , arcuate nucleus , mammillar nuclei , substatia nigra , ventral tegmental area , retrorubral area , superior and inferior colliculus , periaqueductal gray , nucleus of the solitary tract , and superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns
  4. Phylogenetic relationship of the sinibrama species was reconstructed using the cladistic method and morphological characters . c . monglicus monglicus , a . lini , p . pekinensis and m . terminalis were selected as out - group . and a total of 34 morphological characters were found variable among four valid species
    用分支系统学方法,重建华鳊属鱼类的系统发育关系,运用外类群比较法,选择蒙古? 、大眼近红? 、鳊和三角鲂为外类群,对34个形态学性状进行了简约性分析。


  1. terminalia myriocarpa 什么意思
  2. terminalileum 什么意思
  3. terminalincisureofear 什么意思
  4. terminaline 什么意思
  5. terminalinflorescence 什么意思
  6. terminalis mantaly 什么意思
  7. terminalisation 什么意思
  8. terminalization 什么意思
  9. terminalization coefficient 什么意思
  10. terminalization of chiasma 什么意思


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