
发音:   用"underclothes"造句
〔pl.〕 内衣裤,衬衣裤;汗衫,贴身衣。 ★可用 many 修饰,但不可与数字连用。
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  1. The emperor s new clothes , in purple , portrays an amusing , portly emperor , strutting through his town in his underclothes
  2. There was two old dirty calico dresses , and a sun - bonnet , and some women s underclothes hanging against the wall , and some men s clothing , too
  3. Mrs miriam dandrade that sold me her old wraps and black underclothes in the shelbourne hotel . divorced spanish american . didn t take a feather out of her my handling them
    像是曾经在谢尔本饭店把自己的旧罩衫和黑色衬衣卖给我的那位米莉亚姆丹德拉德太太91 。
  4. He was wearing a piece of white underclothes with initials " y . w " marked on it , a green and white color striped shirt and a pair of light color pyjama trousers when found
    死者身高约一点五六米,中等身材,被发现时身穿一件印有y w英文字的白色内衣、绿白色间条上衣及一条浅色睡裤。
  5. Bethel may satisfy man s need for wear completely . besides of suit , overcoat , west trousers , shirt , necktie and etc . traditional formal wears , we also have jacket , casual suit , t - shirt and etc . casual wears . in addition , we have underclothes , socks and etc . assistant product


  1. undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments
    同义词:underwear, underclothing


  1. undercliff 什么意思
  2. undercling 什么意思
  3. underclocking 什么意思
  4. underclosure 什么意思
  5. underclothed 什么意思
  6. underclothing 什么意思
  7. underclub 什么意思
  8. undercoat 什么意思
  9. undercoat glaze 什么意思
  10. undercoat paint 什么意思


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