


  1. "Vespula vulgaris " recognize their nests by making pheromone trails from the entrance of their nest to the site of foraging.
  2. The average life span of an adult " Vespula vulgaris " is known to be around two weeks ( fourteen days ).
  3. The prairie yellowjacket was formerly known as " Vespa atropilosa " before being moved to the genus " Vespula ".
  4. "Vespula vulgaris " is an eusocial vespid that builds its grey paper nest in or on a structure capable of supporting it.
  5. Adult " Cryptophagus pilosus ", a species of beetle, has been found in some " Vespula atropilosa " nests.
  6. It's difficult to find vespula in a sentence. 用vespula造句挺难的
  7. Through a laboratory experiment, it was discovered that the quality of the food " Vespula vulgaris " consume directly affects its body temperature.
  8. There has also been observed predation on Palos Verdes blue by western yellowjackets ( " Vespula pensylvanica " ) at the Defense Fuel Point location.
  9. ""'Vespula austriaca " "'is an sting shafts are observed in these wasps to aid their aggressive parasitic behavior.
  10. Among the Vespidae family, " Vespula austriaca " is an example of an obligate parasite; its common host is " Vespula acadica ".
  11. Among the Vespidae family, " Vespula austriaca " is an example of an obligate parasite; its common host is " Vespula acadica ".
  12. In " Dolichovespula norwegica " colonies, it has been shown that male paternity is low contrary to their sister genus, " Vespula ".
  13. The common wasp, " Vespula vulgaris ", engages in worker policing, and it is known that a significant number of workers have active ovaries.
  14. "Vespula germanica " belongs to the genus " Vespula ", which includes various species of social wasps that are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
  15. "Vespula germanica " belongs to the genus " Vespula ", which includes various species of social wasps that are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
  16. As mentioned above, the cell location can alter the size of the larva and eventually determine which female " Vespula vulgaris " is going to be queen.
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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  4. "vespuci"造句
  5. "vespucio"造句
  6. "vespula acadica"造句
  7. "vespula atropilosa"造句
  8. "vespula austriaca"造句
  9. "vespula germanica"造句
  10. "vespula pensylvanica"造句

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