
发音:   用"专用化学品"造句
specialty chemicals
  • 专用:    special use; for a ...
  • 化学:    energy
  • :    article; product
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  1. Ningbo sunhu chem products co . , ltd . is a famous company supplying speciality chemicals and individualized service that is based on the technological . . . . .
  2. We are a global leader in self - adhesive materials , office products , labeling systems and specialty chemicals , serving consumer and industrial markets worldwide
  3. Mr . wang delu ( chairman of beijing greatwall enterprise institute ) and qinghai qingtai trust investment co . , ltd . . located in the most developed region in manufacturing in china , we are providing the most valuable and high quality chemicals for our national manufacturer
  4. The dongyue group , which is specified the national emphasis new & high technical enterprise and the important company of national new material industrial base , is one of the 500 largest companies in chinese chemical industry and is one of three largest expertised chemistry company
  5. Depending on the latest it and advanced administrative idea and model , and adopting the most advanced invented mode of production , the links of designing , manufacturing and marketing and essential factors of technology , management and person are harmonized and integrated together . depending on the r d in electron chemicals , metal catalysts and noble metal salts , and advantage in market information , sunhu brand and technology , we are trying to provide special demanding products and the best individualized service for our customers


  1. "专用虎钳"英文
  2. "专用户自动用户电报交换机"英文
  3. "专用滑板场"英文
  4. "专用化学传感器"英文
  5. "专用化学剂厂"英文
  6. "专用话音频带网络"英文
  7. "专用坏"英文
  8. "专用缓冲"英文
  9. "专用缓冲器"英文
  10. "专用黄金"英文


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