
发音:   用"aband"造句
abbr. abandoned 被抛弃的,自甘堕落的,没有约束的
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  1. model kzb automatic strapping machine adoptpdyehene orpolypropylene band for strapping . the machines are used to strap thecases of goods or commerce, postal service, vaihiay station, bank, food, medicine, printing factory, and so on . afer inserting aband into the machine, the band is automatically tensionde, extruded, cut and come out new band from the machine for strapping ahain, and have the function of automatic stop the machine ists character izodbyfast operation, high effcieny and quality, and saving time and labour


  1. abampere per square centimeter 什么意思
  2. abamperes 什么意思
  3. abamps 什么意思
  4. abaméba 什么意思
  5. abanal side 什么意思
  6. aband. 什么意思
  7. abandannaad 什么意思
  8. abanded 什么意思
  9. abandees 什么意思
  10. abandend application 什么意思


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