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a cell
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  1. S islet size is seen smaller , scattered separately , mainly composed of a cells whose cell plasma is stained red
  2. Notes : b cells release insulin to push blood sugar down , a cells release glucagon to elevate blood sugar
  3. Purposes : enhancement of insulin secretion from the islet b cells is a principal goal for treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes . some gastrointestinal hormones are associated with insulin secretion
    目的:胰高血糖素样肽- 1 ( glucagon - likepeptide - 1 , glp - 1 )是一种组织特异性的胃肠道激素,主要由回肠末端l细胞、胰腺内分泌部a细胞以及神经细胞合成和分泌。
  4. May also inhibit the hyperfunctions of islet a cells notably , thereby impel them to be atrophic and disappear , so as to reduce the volume of glucagon produced . such a miraculous change promotes the balancing of pancreas functions and hence returns the blood sugar to normal
    同时亦发现胰岛修复因子“降糖素- deona ”又具显著地抑制胰岛a细胞过亢的功能,从而促其萎缩消失,以减少胰高血糖素的分泌量。
  5. As once a cells are in hyperfunction and glucagon is increased , a series of symptoms of heat due to yang excess will appear , including excess thirst , frequent drinking and eating , easy hunger , more urine , getting thinner , constipation , reddened urine , dark reddened tongue , yellowish dry and prickle coating on the tongue , quick pulse , etc


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