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  1. Through their memories and their day - to - day lives in pernambuco and bahia , they bring us a personal portrait one of the most vital social movement in latin america today
  2. The discovery coast atlantic forest reserves , in the states of bahia and espirito santo , consist of eight separate protected areas containing 112 , 000 ha of atlantic forest and associated shrub ( restingas )
    大西洋沿岸热带雨林保护区位于巴伊亚州和圣埃斯皮图里州,它由八个独立的保护区组成,面积112 , 000公顷,主要是大西洋雨林和灌木。
  3. Buenos aires fellow initiates from buenos aires , the capital of argentina , recently conducted a number of video seminars to share master s teachings in cordoba , central argentina , and bahia blanca in the southeast
    阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的同修近日分别在中部地区的科多巴市cordoba和东南方的巴依亚布兰卡市bahia blanca举办数场录影带讲座,传播师父的教理。
  4. A few weeks later , fellow initiates traveled to bahia blanca . and , with the help of a local would - be initiate who is practicing the convenient method , they held two seminars in this beautiful and tranquil city along argentina s southeastern coast


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  5. bahi swamp 什么意思
  6. bahia 1b 什么意思
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  9. bahia amethyst 什么意思
  10. bahia arrowoot 什么意思


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