1. 他那样做是出于吃醋 He acted out of jealousy.
  2. 他那番话不过是表面文章 He was merely paying lip ser...
  3. 他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的 His spirit of being ready to...
  4. 他酣睡着 He is sound asleep.
  5. 他酷爱学习 He has a strong love of lear...
  6. 他酷爱摄影 He goes in for photography.
  7. 他酿啤酒自用 He brewed beer for home use....
  8. 他重新担任原职 He has taken up his former p...
  9. 他重新讲了一遍 He explained it once again.
  10. 他重点分析了这一矛盾的特殊性 He laid special stress on an...
  11. 他野心勃勃 He burns with an ambition.
  12. 他锻炼身体一向很积极 He has always been very keen...
  13. 他长于计算 He is good at figures.
  14. 他长得像他妈妈 He takes after his mother.
  15. 他长成了一个翩翩少年 He has grown into a fine you...
  16. 他长期缺乏锻炼 He had been short of exercis...
  17. 他问起她的健康情况 He inquired after her health...
  18. 他险些在飞机失事中遇难 He narrowly escaped in the a...
  19. 他陪同我们去机场了 He went with us to the airpo...
  20. 他陪着她哭 He wept with her for company...
  21. 他陷入贫困之中 He brought himself to povert...
  22. 他随即听到了脚步声 Presently he heard the sound...
  23. 他随带行李两件 He has taken along with him ...
  24. 他随我们上了楼 He followed us up the stairs...
  25. 他随手轻轻地把门关上了 He closed the door softly be...
  26. 他随时都可能到达 He may arrive any instant.
  27. 他雄辩地表达了他对那场战争的看法 He expressed his sentiments ...
  28. 他雇人割草 He hired a man to mow the la...
  29. 他需要别人激励一番 He wants rousing. drive
  30. 他霍地拔出剑来 He drew his sword in a flash...
  31. 他非常周密地分析了形势 He analysed the situation ve...
  32. 他非常爱赌博 He has a passion for gamblin...
  33. 他非常麻利地驾驶着他那架小型飞机 He handled the small airplan...
  34. 他靠乞讨过活 He lives by begging.
  35. 他靠务农过活 He lives by farming.
  36. 他靠卖文活命 He found a living in literat...
  37. 他靠卖水果活命 He made a living out of the ...
  38. 他靠正当的劳动生活 He lives by honest labour.
  39. 他靠苦干获得成功 He succeeded by dint of hard...
  40. 他靠辛勤劳动而致富 He has obtained his wealth b...
  41. 他面临一个强有力的敌手 He had a worthy opponent. en...
  42. 他顶患病的工人干活 He substituted for the worke...
  43. 他顶替患病的工人干活 He substituted for the worke...
  44. 他顺着篱笆一直爬到大门边 He crawled along the fence u...
  45. 他额上在淌汗 His forehead was dripping wi...
  46. 他额角上暴起了青筋 Blue veins stood out on his ...
  47. 他颠来倒去地重复着同一个故事 He repeated the same story o...
  48. 他饭量大 He's a big eater. quantity
  49. 他饮酒适度 He is moderate in drinking.
  50. 他首先登上城墙豁口 He was the first to mount th...

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