1. 这种行动构成对别国内政的干涉 These acts constitute an int...
  2. 这种衣服在折边处有以码计的多余部分向外飘摆着 The dress floats out to an e...
  3. 这种衣服式样已经不兴了 This clothes style is out of...
  4. 这种衬衫很抢手 This kind of shirt is very e...
  5. 这种西瓜个头儿大 This kind of watermelon is r...
  6. 这种见解半点也不正确 Such a view is not the least...
  7. 这种观点没有得到广泛的承认 The view has not received wi...
  8. 这种说法不对头 Such a statement isn't corre...
  9. 这种说法已得到了科学的印证 This view has been confirmed...
  10. 这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破 Facts will eventually scotch...
  11. 这种谷物是条播的 The grain was sown in drill.
  12. 这种货到农村正对路 These goods are the very thi...
  13. 这种赛车时速为二百迈 This sports model makes two ...
  14. 这种酸把我的上衣烧了一个窟窿 The acid has burnt a hole in...
  15. 这种金属容易切削 This metal cuts easily. cut
  16. 这种钢笔且使呢 These fountain pens last a l...
  17. 这种鞋子零卖 10美元一双. These shoes retail f...
  18. 这种音乐只有少数人能欣赏 The music appeals to the few...
  19. 这种风俗由来已久 This is a time-honoured cust...
  20. 这种食品在热带地方不会变质 The food undergoes no deteri...
  21. 这种香烟是用几种最好的烟草混合制成的 These cigarettes are a blend...
  22. 这种马既高且大 This breed of horses is both...
  23. 这种魅力是无法抵御的 The charm is irresistible.
  24. 这种鱼很好吃 This fish is very tasty.
  25. 这种鱼的肉异常鲜美 The flesh of this kind of fi...
  26. 这种鸟在哪儿过冬 Where do these birds winter?
  27. 这种鸟用嘴作武器 This bird employs its beak a...
  28. 这究竟是怎么回事 What's all this about?
  29. 这突然的消息使我们为之愕然 We were stunned with the sud...
  30. 这笔帐悬了好久了 This account has remained un...
  31. 这笔帐目里有差错 There's an accounting error ...
  32. 这笔款子中有一部分准备用作小额福利 Part of the sum was reserved...
  33. 这笔款的月息是 5%. Interest on this sum of ...
  34. 这笔钱搭上还不够 It won't be enough even with...
  35. 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的 The fund is earmarked for pu...
  36. 这笔钱是世界各地捐赠的 The money came from world-wi...
  37. 这笔钱非经批准不得动用 This fund may not be drawn o...
  38. 这符合人民的心愿 This accords with the aspira...
  39. 这简直是个幻境 This is a veritable fairylan...
  40. 这简直是乱弹琴 That's a lot of nonsense.
  41. 这管子堵了 The pipe is stopped up.
  42. 这管子是送水用的 The pipe carries water. give...
  43. 这箱子太沉了 This box is too heavy. heavy
  44. 这箱子怪沉的 The suitcase is rather heavy...
  45. 这箱子能盛下你所有的衣服吗 Will this trunk hold all you...
  46. 这箱子被压得不成型了 The box was crushed out of s...
  47. 这箱子轻得出人意外 The suitcase is surprisingly...
  48. 这篇作品的构思是作者个人的独创 The plan of the work is orig...
  49. 这篇作文写得还顺 This essay is grammatically ...
  50. 这篇寓言登在下一页上 The fable is given on the ne...

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