1. 一亲芳泽 approach a woman
  2. 一人一票 one man one vote
  3. 一人不抵二智 Two heads are better than on...
  4. 一人之交 be on as close terms as one ...
  5. 一人做事一人当 One should answer for what h...
  6. 一人操作 one man operation
  7. 一人数职 One man holds many posts con...
  8. 一人独吞 I and I alone will take ever...
  9. 一人难如千人意 One man can hardly meet the ...
  10. 一人顶两 One can do the work of two.
  11. 一介书生 be nothing but a scholar
  12. 一介寒儒 a poor scholar
  13. 一介武夫 a military man of integrity
  14. 一仍其旧 remain the same
  15. 一仍旧贯 Let things remain the same.
  16. 一付严肃的面孔 a dignified appearance
  17. 一代 generation
  18. 一代名儒 a scholar of no equal of his...
  19. 一代天骄 a proud Son of Heaven
  20. 一代宗匠 a great respected master
  21. 一代新人 a new generation
  22. 一代更比一代强 Each generation surpasses th...
  23. 一代诗宗 an outstanding figure among ...
  24. 一令 a ream
  25. 一令印刷纸 a printer's ream
  26. 一以抵十 One fights against ten.
  27. 一以抵百 be a match for a hundred men
  28. 一以贯之 One principle runs through i...
  29. 一件 a piece of
  30. 一件了不得的大事 a matter of the utmost impor...
  31. 一件事 a matter
  32. 一件事情的前前后后 the ins and outs of a matter
  33. 一件家具 a piece of furniture
  34. 一件小事可以触发一场大战 Some slight incident may tou...
  35. 一件工作 a piece of work
  36. 一件精细的绣品 a fine piece of embroidery
  37. 一件紧身女内衣 body stocking
  38. 一件衬衫 a shirt
  39. 一任 allow
  40. 一份 a part
  41. 一份儿礼 a gift
  42. 一份儿饭 a set of meal
  43. 一份报纸 a copy of a newspaper
  44. 一份非常简明扼要的报告 a remarkable concise report
  45. 一伙 a gang of
  46. 一伙匪徒 a gang of gangsters
  47. 一伙强盗 a band of robbers
  48. 一伙披着马列主义外衣的政治骗子 a bunch of political swindle...
  49. 一会儿 a little while
  50. 一会儿就回来 I won't be long.

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