1. 一句空话 a meaningless term
  2. 一句话 in a word
  3. 一句话也没说 not utter a word
  4. 一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过 A lone sea gull flew across ...
  5. 一只小船 a boat
  6. 一只幼狮在动物园出生了 A small lion was cubbed in t...
  7. 一只扁盒子 a flat case
  8. 一只手拍不响 It takes two to make a quarr...
  9. 一只披着羊皮的狼 a wolf in sheep's clothing
  10. 一只烂苹果坏一筐 A rotten apple spoils the ba...
  11. 一只燕子飞过去了 A swallow flew past.
  12. 一只病羊害及全群 One scabby sheep infects the...
  13. 一只皮箱 a leather trunk
  14. 一只蜜蜂在房间里飞来飞去 A bee flew about in the room...
  15. 一只鞋 one shoe
  16. 一只鸟 a bird
  17. 一叫就到 answer to a call in a flash
  18. 一台戏 a theatrical performance
  19. 一台机器 a machine
  20. 一叶两豆 be prevented from knowing th...
  21. 一叶扁舟 a small boat page
  22. 一叶知秋 One falling leaf is indicati...
  23. 一叶蔽目 shade the eyes with a leaf
  24. 一同 together with
  25. 一同动身去上海 set out for Shanghai togethe...
  26. 一同工作 work together
  27. 一名教师 a teacher
  28. 一吐为快 get it off one's chest
  29. 一吐心声 unbosom
  30. 一向 earlier on
  31. 一向没把得你 have not given it to you so ...
  32. 一听以熊作为商标的炼乳 a tin of condensed milk of a...
  33. 一听肉 a can of meat
  34. 一听香烟 a tin of cigarettes
  35. 一员大将 an able general
  36. 一员悍将 a brave warrior fierce
  37. 一周 a week
  38. 一周一次 once a week
  39. 一味 blindly
  40. 一味地固执己见 stubbornly stick to one's ow...
  41. 一味孤行 go one's own way
  42. 一味扯谎 lie like a gas meter
  43. 一味拖延 procrastinate
  44. 一味指责 invariably blame
  45. 一味撒谎 lie like a gas meter
  46. 一味盲干 act blindly
  47. 一味蛮干 act rashly and arbitrarily
  48. 一味讲究实用的 severely practical
  49. 一味迁就 make one concession after an...
  50. 一味迎合 go all the way to meet

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