1. 创新精神 enterprising spirit
  2. 创新能力 ability to innovate
  3. 创新霉素 creatmycin
  4. 创汇 obtain foreign exchange
  5. 创痕 scar
  6. 创痕逐渐消失 The scar died away.
  7. 创立 found
  8. 创立一个学会 set up a learned society
  9. 创立一种学说 establish a doctrine
  10. 创立新学派 found a new academic school
  11. 创立自己的文风 make a style of one's own
  12. 创见 original idea
  13. 创见管理 creative management
  14. 创记录 set a record
  15. 创设 set up
  16. 创设一个新的研究所 set up a new research instit...
  17. 创造 create
  18. 创造世界纪录 set a world record
  19. 创造优异成绩 produce excellent results
  20. 创造力 creative power
  21. 创造奇迹 create miracles
  22. 创造性 creativeness
  23. 创造性思维 creative thinking
  24. 创造性想象 creative imagination
  25. 创造性活动 creative activity
  26. 创造战机 create opportunity for fight...
  27. 创造新记录 set a new record
  28. 创造新词 neologize
  29. 创造新词者 wordsmith
  30. 创造时新式样 create a fashion
  31. 创造有利条件 create favourable conditions
  32. 创造环境艺术的艺术家 environmentalist
  33. 创造社会财富 create the wealth of society
  34. 创造者 former
  35. 创面 the surface of a wound
  36. 创面电灼术 brushing
  37. 创高产 achieve higher output
  38. chop
  39. at the beginning of
  40. 初一 the first day
  41. 初丧 the period immediately after...
  42. 初中 junior middle school
  43. 初乳 colostrum
  44. 初亏 first contact
  45. 初交 new acquaintance
  46. 初产 primiparity
  47. 初产妇 primipara
  48. 初伏 the first of the three ten-d...
  49. 初会 see sb. for the first time
  50. 初作 maiden work

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