1. 又聋又哑 be both deaf and mute
  2. 又臭又脏 amid reek and squalor
  3. 又臭又长 offensive smell and prolixit...
  4. 又说又笑 talking and laughing at the ...
  5. 又读了又读 read again and again
  6. 又酸又甜 sweet yet tart
  7. 又闷又热 It is sultry and stifling.
  8. 又顶又踢 butting and kicking
  9. 又饥又渴 be hungry and thirsty
  10. fork
  11. 叉上 stick
  12. 叉子 fork
  13. 叉开 fork diverge
  14. 叉式起重车 fork truck
  15. 叉式连接法 fork connection
  16. 叉手交足 with one's hands folded and ...
  17. 叉手拱立 stand forking one's hands to...
  18. 叉手而立 stand with folded arms
  19. 叉杆 deadman
  20. 叉杆销 rod jaw pin
  21. 叉流 distributary
  22. 叉烧 roast pork
  23. 叉烧牛肉 churrasco
  24. 叉着腿站着 stand with one's legs apart
  25. 叉腰 akimbo
  26. 叉腿而坐 be seated cross-legged
  27. 叉草上垛 fork hay onto a stack
  28. 叉见 "劈叉"
  29. 叉规 fork gauge
  30. 叉路 the fork of a road
  31. 叉车 forklift
  32. 叉鱼 spear fish
  33. reach
  34. 及康 Ji Kang
  35. 及早 at an early date
  36. 及早回头 repent before it is too late...
  37. 及早抽身 hasten to sever one's connec...
  38. 及时 timely
  39. 及时修改 time update
  40. 及时性 timeliness
  41. 及时播种 sow in good time
  42. 及时来到 arrive in the nick of time
  43. 及时汇报 report without delay
  44. 及时的忠告 timely advice
  45. 及时行乐 enjoy pleasure in good time
  46. 及时雨 timely rain
  47. 及格 pass a test,examination,etc.
  48. 及格不及格分制 pass-fail
  49. 及格赛 qualifying event
  50. 及物动词 transitive verb

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