1. 双稳电路 bistable circuit
  2. 双稳运用 bistable operation
  3. 双立人 "彳",one of the Chinese chara...
  4. 双端功率发射管 double-ended power transmitt...
  5. 双端固定梁 beam with both ends fixed
  6. 双端队列 deque
  7. 双筒 binocular
  8. 双筒井 double-bore well
  9. 双筒显微镜 binocular microscope
  10. 双筒望远镜 binocular
  11. 双筒枪 double barrelled gun
  12. 双筒立体显微镜 orthostereoscope
  13. 双筒线圈 binocular coil
  14. 双管 double-barrelled
  15. 双管冷却管 coiled-cooling
  16. 双管式摄像机 two-tube camera
  17. 双管机枪 machine gun
  18. 双管枪 double-barrel
  19. 双管直接回水系统 two pipe direct return syste...
  20. 双管空气调节系统 dual duct air conditioning s...
  21. 双管立式喷雾器 duplex vertical sprayer
  22. 双管竖笛 double flageolet
  23. 双管采油 dual tubing oil recovery
  24. 双管齐下 paint a picture with two bru...
  25. 双簧 a two-man act,with one speak...
  26. 双簧管 oboe
  27. 双簧管音栓 hautbois
  28. 双精卵 dispermic egg
  29. 双精度 double precision
  30. 双精度加法 special add
  31. 双精度数 double-precision number
  32. 双精度计算 double-precision computation
  33. 双精度运算 double-precision arithmetic
  34. 双糖 disaccharide
  35. 双糖尿 diplomellituria
  36. 双系统 dual system
  37. 双系统录音 double system recording
  38. 双纸盆扬声器 kone
  39. 双纽线 lemniscate
  40. 双纽线电缆 twisted-pair cable
  41. 双线 diplonema
  42. 双线传输线 two-wire line
  43. 双线制 double wire system
  44. 双线圈 twin coil
  45. 双线圈灯丝 double coil filament
  46. 双线圈继电器 double-wound relay
  47. 双线增音器 two-wire repeater
  48. 双线天线 two-wire antenna
  49. 双线屏蔽电缆 two-conductor shielded cable
  50. 双线布线 two-conductor wiring

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