1. 恶从胆生 A spell of wrath rose from o...
  2. 恶作剧 practical joke
  3. 恶债 odious debts
  4. 恶债不予偿还 Odious debt is not repayable...
  5. 恶兆 ill omen
  6. 恶光生物 photophobe
  7. 恶劣 odious
  8. 恶劣作风 abominable behavior
  9. 恶劣天气 tempest
  10. 恶劣手段 mean tricks
  11. 恶劣条件 mal-condition
  12. 恶劣气候 harsh climate
  13. 恶劣环境 adverse circumstances
  14. 恶劣的天气使我不能动身 Bad weather prevented me fro...
  15. 恶劣行径 disgusting conduct
  16. 恶势力 vicious power
  17. 恶化 worsen
  18. 恶化的征候 signs of a turn for the wors...
  19. 恶叉白赖 ruffians
  20. 恶口伤人 say libelous things about sb...
  21. 恶名 a bad reputation
  22. 恶名昭著 notorious
  23. 恶味 kakogeusia
  24. 恶嘴毒舌 a sharp tongue
  25. 恶因生恶果 Sin yields bitter fruits.
  26. 恶寒 aversion to cold
  27. 恶少 young ruffian
  28. 恶徒 rascal
  29. 恶心 feel like vomiting
  30. 恶心药 nauseant
  31. 恶念 evil intentions
  32. 恶性 malignant
  33. 恶性循环 vicious circle
  34. 恶性水肿 malignant edema
  35. 恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma
  36. 恶性犯罪案件 vicious crimes
  37. 恶性疟疾 pernicious malaria
  38. 恶性病变 malignant change
  39. 恶性痢疾 malignant dysentery
  40. 恶性瘤 malignant tumour
  41. 恶性肿瘤 malignant tumour
  42. 恶性贫血 Addison's inflation
  43. 恶恶从短 hate the wicked and point ou...
  44. 恶意 evil intentions
  45. 恶意中伤 malicious calumniation
  46. 恶意攻击 malicious attack
  47. 恶意歪曲地报道这条新闻 report the news mala fide
  48. 恶意行为 malicious act
  49. 恶意诽谤 spread vicious gossip
  50. 恶感 ill feeling

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