1. 放宽条件 soften the terms
  2. 放宽移民限制 relax restriction on immigra...
  3. 放宽经济政策以鼓励生产的积极性 Economic policy is liberaliz...
  4. 放宽胸怀 be broad-minded
  5. 放寒假 have winter holidays
  6. 放射 radiate
  7. 放射光芒 send forth rays
  8. 放射出万道金光 emit a thousand golden rays
  9. 放射化学 radiochemistry
  10. 放射区域 radioactive area
  11. 放射对称 radial symmetry
  12. 放射性 radioactivity
  13. 放射性同位素 radioactive isotope
  14. 放射性污染 radioactive contamination
  15. 放射性碳 radioactive carbon
  16. 放射性碳年代测定技术 radio-carbon dating techniqu...
  17. 放射性碳年龄 radiocarbon age
  18. 放射性碳测定年龄 carbon-14 dating
  19. 放射性碳测年 radiocarbon dating
  20. 放射性碳素测定年代 radiocarbon dating
  21. 放射疗法 radio therapy
  22. 放射科医生 radiologist
  23. 放尽制动气缸余气 exhausting the air brake cyl...
  24. 放屁 break wind
  25. 放工 knock off give way to
  26. 放幻灯 show slides
  27. 放开 let go
  28. 放开价格 decontrol prices
  29. 放开手脚 give... a free hand to
  30. 放开搞活 allow flexibility
  31. 放开胆子 pluck up courage
  32. 放弃 give up
  33. 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal
  34. 放弃个人意见 withdraw one's opinion
  35. 放弃休息时间 give up one's time for rest
  36. 放弃保费 waiver of premium
  37. 放弃公民权 renounce one's citizenship
  38. 放弃原则 forsake one's principles
  39. 放弃国籍 renounce one's nationality
  40. 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage
  41. 放弃奖金 waiver of premium
  42. 放弃机会 throw away one's chance
  43. 放弃权利 renounce
  44. 放弃条款 waiver clause
  45. 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim
  46. 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession
  47. 放弃职守 desert one's post
  48. 放弃自己的异议 waive one's objection
  49. 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage
  50. 放弃表决权 abstain from voting

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