1. 有源卫星 active satellite
  2. 有源器件 active device
  3. 有源天线 active antenna
  4. 有源电路 active circuit
  5. 有灵性 have sagacity
  6. 有点儿 some
  7. 有点儿不好意思 be somewhat embarrassed
  8. 有点儿情绪 rather sulky
  9. 有点儿疲倦 be a bit tired
  10. 有点发冷 feel a bit chilly
  11. 有点名气 enjoy some reputation
  12. 有点墨水 a bit of a scholar
  13. 有点头晕 feel a bit dizzy
  14. 有点想 have half a mind to
  15. 有点甜味 taste sweet
  16. 有点用 be of some use
  17. 有点醉意 have a drop in one's eye
  18. 有物价飞涨的苗头 show a tendency to inflation
  19. 有牵连 implication
  20. 有牵连的案件 entangle ment
  21. 有玷声名 spot one's name
  22. 有球瘾 have a passion for ball game...
  23. 有理 reasonable
  24. 有理函数 rational function
  25. 有理数 rational number
  26. 有理无情 disregard personal feelings
  27. 有瓜葛 have connections with sb.
  28. 有甚说甚 Just say what's on your mind...
  29. 有生之年 the remaining years of one's...
  30. 有生于无 Being comes from not-being. ...
  31. 有生以来 in all one's born days
  32. 有生以来第一次 the first time in one's life
  33. 有生力量 effective strength
  34. 有生命就有希望 Where there is life,there is...
  35. 有生命的东西 living things
  36. 有生活情趣的人 a man of taste
  37. 有用 useful
  38. 有用信号功率 available signal power
  39. 有用功 useful work
  40. 有用功率 available power
  41. 有用场 be useful
  42. 有用热功率 useful thermal power
  43. 有用词 go-word
  44. 有用载荷 useful load
  45. 有病要及早治 When you are ill,see the doc...
  46. 有病要及时治疗 Get prompt treatment when yo...
  47. 有瘾 be addicted to
  48. 有百分之百的把握 be a hundred per cent sure
  49. 有百利而无一害 gain everything and lose not...
  50. 有百利而无一弊 have every advantage and no ...

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