1. 浅薄的知识 meagre knowledge
  2. 浅薄的议论 shallow argument
  3. 浅薄的谈话 a frothy conversation
  4. 浅见 superficial view
  5. 浅说 elementary introduction
  6. 浅近 simple and easy to understan...
  7. 浅近的文字 simple language
  8. 浅近的道理 plain and simple reasoning
  9. 浅酌 have a little drink pour out
  10. 浅释 simple explanation
  11. 浅陋 superficial
  12. 浅陋不堪 very shallow and detestable
  13. 浅鲜 meager
  14. thick liquid
  15. 浆度 degree of beating
  16. 浆板 pulp board
  17. 浆板机 pulp machine
  18. 浆果 berry
  19. 浆果梳摘机 berry stripper
  20. 浆果皮 sarcotesta
  21. 浆果苷 arbutin
  22. 浆果鼠李 Persian berry
  23. 浆水 starch solution
  24. 浆洗 wash and starch
  25. 浆液 seriflux
  26. 浆片 glumelle
  27. 浆状油墨 paste ink
  28. 浆状炸药 slurry
  29. 浆砌砖 grouted brick
  30. 浆粕 pomace
  31. 浆粕抄造机 pulp machine
  32. 浆纱 sizing
  33. 浆纱并绞 taping
  34. 浆纱机 slasher
  35. 浆纸机 coating machine
  36. 浆细胞 plasma cell
  37. 浆膜 serosa
  38. 浆膜炎 oromeningitis
  39. 浆衣服 starch clothes
  40. a surname
  41. 浇入 pouring-in
  42. 浇勺 pony ladle
  43. 浇口 running gate
  44. 浇地 irrigate the fields
  45. 浇或 Ao Yu
  46. 浇料口 pouring slot
  47. 浇桶 ladle pot
  48. 浇水 sprinkle water on
  49. 浇水壶 water-can
  50. 浇水杓 skeet

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