1. 秋色 autumn scenery
  2. 秋色如焚 were inflamed with autumnal ...
  3. 秋色宜人 charming autumn scenery
  4. 秋色平分 share on a fifty-fifty basis
  5. 秋荼密网 harsh penal codes in great n...
  6. 秋菊傲霜 The autumn chrysanthemum bra...
  7. 秋菊春桃 like chrysanthemum in autumn...
  8. 秋菜 autumn vegetable
  9. 秋虫夜鸣 autumn insects chirping at n...
  10. 秋虫悲月 The autumn insect chirps to ...
  11. 秋行冬令 The weather in autumn is as ...
  12. 秋行夏令 The weather in autumn is as ...
  13. 秋衰 autumn decline
  14. 秋装 autumn clothing
  15. 秋闱 imperial examination held in...
  16. 秋雨 autumn rains
  17. 秋雨绵绵 The autumn rain goes on and ...
  18. 秋霖 heavy rain in autumn
  19. 秋风 autumn wind
  20. 秋风团扇 like fans being out of use a...
  21. 秋风扫落叶 the autumn wind sweeping awa...
  22. 秋风瑟瑟 The autumn wind is rustling.
  23. 秋风秋雨 mournful winds and monotonou...
  24. 秋风萧瑟 The autumn wind is soughing.
  25. 秋风过耳 like an autumn breeze passin...
  26. 秋风送爽 Autumn breezes cool sb..
  27. 秋风飒飒 The autumn wind is soughing.
  28. 秋高气爽 fine autumn weather smell
  29. 秋高马肥 In late autumn horses are fa...
  30. 秋鸭 fall duck
  31. a surname
  32. 种下祸根 sow the seeds of misfortune
  33. 种仁 kernel
  34. 种内 intraspecific
  35. 种内杂交 intraspecific hybridization
  36. 种地 till land
  37. 种姓 caste
  38. 种姓制度 caste system
  39. 种子 seed
  40. 种子发育 seed development
  41. 种子地 seed-breeding field
  42. 种子处理 seed treatment
  43. 种子改良 seed amelioration
  44. 种子更新 seed regeneration
  45. 种子植物 seed-bearing plants
  46. 种子测定 seed testing
  47. 种子田 seminary
  48. 种子繁殖 seminal propagation
  49. 种子还没有发芽 The seeds haven't sprouted y...
  50. 种子选手 seeded player

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