1. 种系生物学 phylobiology
  2. 种羊 tupping ram
  3. 种群 population
  4. 种群平衡 population balance
  5. 种群生态学 genecology
  6. 种群调节 population regulation
  7. 种脐 hilum
  8. 种良 Zhong Liang
  9. 种花 cultivate flowers
  10. 种花儿 vaccinate wound
  11. 种花养鸟 plant flowers and keep birds
  12. 种花是他的癖好 Growing flowers is his hobby...
  13. 种花植木 plant flowers and trees
  14. 种菊 grow chrysanthemum a surname
  15. 种菜 grow vegetables food
  16. 种西瓜 grow watermelon
  17. 种豆得麦 plant bean to get wheat
  18. 种间 interspecific crossing
  19. 种间嫁接 heteroplastic graft
  20. 种间杂交 hybrida
  21. 种间杂种 species hybrid
  22. 种马 stallion
  23. 种马场 stud farm site
  24. 种马群 stud
  25. 种麦子 raise wheat
  26. a branch of academic or voca...
  27. 科主任 head of department
  28. 科举 imperial examination
  29. 科举制 civil-service examination sy...
  30. 科举制度 imperial examination system
  31. 科举考试 imperial competitive examina...
  32. 科以极刑 sentence someone to capital ...
  33. 科以罚金 impose a fine on sb.
  34. 科任教师 subject teacher
  35. 科伦坡 Colombo
  36. 科刑 sentence
  37. 科刑判决 judgment of sentence
  38. 科员 a member of an administrativ...
  39. 科场 a place where imperial exami...
  40. 科处徒刑 sentence sb. to imprisonment
  41. 科头铣足 bareheaded and barefooted
  42. 科威特 Kuwait
  43. 科威特人 Kuwaiti
  44. 科威特国家石油公司 Kuwait National Petroleum Co...
  45. 科威特石油公司 Kuwait Oil Company
  46. 科威特航空公司 Kuwait Airways
  47. 科威特蕴藏着丰富的石油资源 Kuwait is rich in oil resour...
  48. 科学 science
  49. 科学上的奇迹 a marvel of science
  50. 科学为现代技术作出了巨大贡献 Science has contributed much...

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