1. 租赁 rent
  2. 租赁业 leasing industry
  3. 租赁业务 charter business
  4. 租赁企业 leased enterprises
  5. 租赁公司 leasing company
  6. 租赁制 rental system
  7. 租赁合同 contract of tenancy
  8. 租赁期 leasehold
  9. 租赁筹资 lease financing
  10. 租赁经营 be run under lease
  11. 租赁贸易 renting trade
  12. 租赁费 premium on a lease
  13. 租金 rent
  14. 租金低的 low rented
  15. 租金高的 high rented
  16. 租钱 rent
  17. fodder
  18. 秣通 Mo Tong
  19. 秣马厉兵 feed the horses and sharpen ...
  20. balance
  21. 秤具 weighing-appliance
  22. 秤动点 libration point
  23. 秤台 weighing platform
  24. 秤平斗满 even balance and full measur...
  25. 秤星 gradations marked on the bea...
  26. 秤杆 arm of a steelyard
  27. 秤杆虽小提千斤 A steelyard is small but it ...
  28. 秤毫 lifting cord of a steelyard
  29. 秤盘 the pan of a steelyard
  30. 秤砝码 scale weight
  31. 秤砣 the sliding weight of a stee...
  32. 秤砣虽小压千斤 The sliding weight of a stee...
  33. 秤纽 the lifting cord of a steely...
  34. 秤钩 steelyard hook
  35. 秤钩儿 steelyard hook
  36. 秤锤 sliding weight of a steelyar...
  37. Qin,a state in the Zhou Dyna...
  38. 秦兵马俑 terracotta soldiers and hors...
  39. 秦吉了 a mynalike bird
  40. 秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang
  41. 秦始皇兵马俑 life-size terracotta horses ...
  42. 秦岭 Qinling Mountains
  43. 秦晋之交 the relation of two states -...
  44. 秦晋之好 alliance between the two fam...
  45. 秦晋之盟 marriage alliance between th...
  46. 秦桧 Qin Hui
  47. 秦楼楚馆 house of courtesans with win...
  48. 秦槐汉柏 locust trees dating back to ...
  49. 秦琴 a national musical instrumen...
  50. 秦篆 an ancient style of calligra...

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