1. 腰鼓舞 drum dance
  2. tendon
  3. 腱内膜 endotendineum
  4. 腱反射 tendon reflex
  5. 腱弓 arcus tendineus
  6. 腱感受器 tenoreceptor
  7. 腱损伤 tendon injury
  8. 腱梭 tendon spindle
  9. 腱炎 tendonitis
  10. 腱痛 tenontodynia
  11. 腱突 formatendon
  12. 腱粘蛋白 tendomucoid
  13. 腱系膜 mesotendineum
  14. 腱索 chordae tendineae
  15. 腱纤维 tendinous fibres
  16. 腱纤维鞘 fibrous sheath of tendon
  17. 腱膜 aponeurosis
  18. 腱膜炎 aponeurositis
  19. 腱鞘 epitenon
  20. 腱鞘囊肿 gang lioh
  21. 腱鞘炎 tendovaginitis
  22. 腱鞘肿 onkinocele
  23. fat
  24. 腷臆 depressed
  25. abdomen
  26. 腹中藏刀 a dagger hidden in the belly...
  27. 腹内肿块 abdominal mass
  28. 腹击 Fu Ji
  29. 腹吸盘 ventral sucker
  30. 腹地 back-land
  31. 腹壁 napes
  32. 腹孕 coeliocyesis
  33. 腹带 bellyband
  34. 腹心 vital part
  35. 腹心之交 a bosom friend true thoughts...
  36. 腹心之患 a disease in one's very vita...
  37. 腹心系膜 ventral mesocardium
  38. 腹无滴墨 There is not a single drop o...
  39. 腹板 plate
  40. 腹水 abdominal dropsy
  41. 腹水培养基 ascitic fluid agar
  42. 腹水注射疗法 hydropotherapy
  43. 腹水琼脂 ascitic fluid agar
  44. 腹泻 diarrhoea
  45. 腹泻过度 hypercatharsis
  46. 腹热心煎 hope anxiously
  47. 腹痛 abdominal pain
  48. 腹痛如绞 have an excruciating pain in...
  49. 腹稿 a draft worked out in one's ...
  50. 腹笥便便 The satchel of the belly is ...

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