1. 膳食标准 dietary standard
  2. 膳食结构 diet structure
  3. pancreas
  4. 膵脏 pancreas
  5. breast
  6. 膺惩 send armed forces to suppres...
  7. 膺此重任 hold a post of great respons...
  8. 膺选 be elected
  9. expose
  10. 膻中 Danzhong
  11. 膻中疽 shanzhong carbuncle
  12. buttocks
  13. 臀围 hip
  14. 臀围线 hipline
  15. 臀大肌 gluteus maximus
  16. 臀尖 rump
  17. 臀疣 monkey's ischial callosities
  18. 臀痈 pyogenic infection of buttoc...
  19. 臀部 buttocks
  20. 臀部肌 gluteus
  21. 臀锥 anal cone
  22. 臀鳍 anal fin
  23. shank
  24. 臁疮 ulcer on the shank
  25. arm
  26. 臂上的伤已经封口了 The arm wound has healed. sa...
  27. 臂中 Bizhong
  28. 臂之使指 as easy as the arm using the...
  29. 臂关节 shoulder joint
  30. 臂助 help
  31. 臂吊带 mitella
  32. 臂孺 Binao
  33. 臂式升降机 arm elevator
  34. 臂式吊车 boom hoist
  35. 臂板信号 semaphore
  36. 臂痈 pyogenic infection of the ar...
  37. 臂痛 brachialgia
  38. 臂章 armlet
  39. 臂纱 armband
  40. 臂肘 elbow
  41. 臂腕 arm
  42. 臂膀 the upper arm wing shoulder
  43. 臂膊 upper arm
  44. 臂见 "胳臂"
  45. 臂距 span
  46. 臂长 brachium
  47. swelling
  48. 臃肿 too fat to move
  49. 臃肿的机构 overstaffed organization
  50. chest

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