1. 自差接收机 autodyne
  2. 自差收音机 autoheterodyne
  3. 自己 oneself
  4. 自己不出面 keep oneself in the backgrou...
  5. 自己人 one of us
  6. 自己作主 be master in one's own house
  7. 自己作的孽最难熬 The evils we bring on oursel...
  8. 自己害自己 harm oneself
  9. 自己弟兄 one's own brothers
  10. 自己揭穿自己 expose oneself
  11. 自己攒成一辆自行车 assemble a bicycle oneself
  12. 自己有房子 have a house of one's own
  13. 自己说了算 consider one's own words as ...
  14. 自己负担大学期间的全部费用 pay one's way through colleg...
  15. 自己起火 do one's own cooking get ang...
  16. 自幼 since childhood
  17. 自幼到老 from infancy to old age
  18. 自幼失怙 lose one's father while stil...
  19. 自幼清贫 be poor from one's boyhood u...
  20. 自序 author's preface
  21. 自应资助 will certainly aid financial...
  22. 自强 self-improvement
  23. 自强不息 exert oneself constantly
  24. 自强自立 strive to become stronger an...
  25. 自当努力 will certainly do one's best
  26. 自当悔改 will willingly mend one's wa...
  27. 自形污惭 feel oneself an insufferably...
  28. 自律 autonomy
  29. 自律性 autorhythmicity
  30. 自得 contented
  31. 自得其乐 take delight in doing sth. a...
  32. 自忖 turn over in one's mind
  33. 自忘形骸 beyond oneself
  34. 自怨自艾 be contrite and reform onese...
  35. 自恃 be self-assured for having s...
  36. 自恃有功 capitalize on one's achievem...
  37. 自恃有靠山 count on sb.'s backing
  38. 自恋 autophilia
  39. 自恋初期 primary narcissism
  40. 自恋者 narcissist
  41. 自惭形秽 feel ashamed of one's own un...
  42. 自惭鸠拙 feel ashamed of one's lack o...
  43. 自愈 self-healing
  44. 自感 autoconduction
  45. 自感应 self-induction
  46. 自感应电流 self-induction current
  47. 自感电路 self-induction circuit
  48. 自愧弗如 feel ashamed of one's inferi...
  49. 自愧无知 be ashamed of one's ignoranc...
  50. 自愿 volunteer

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