1. 贮藏室 storeroom
  2. 贮藏寿命 shelf-life
  3. 贮藏所 repository
  4. 贮藏物 storage
  5. 贮藏箱 bing
  6. 贮藏货币 hoarding of money
  7. 贮藏车 accumulator car
  8. pass through
  9. 贯串 run through
  10. 贯众 Cyrtomium fortunei the rhizo...
  11. 贯入 injection
  12. 贯入载荷 penetration load
  13. 贯彻 carry out
  14. 贯彻以预防为主的医疗方针 carry out the policy of putt...
  15. 贯彻始终 prosecute to the end
  16. 贯彻婚姻法运动 movement for the implementat...
  17. 贯彻某人的意图 carry out sb.'s intention
  18. 贯注 concentrate on
  19. 贯穿 run through breakthrough
  20. 贯穿切割 through cutting
  21. 贯穿术 transfixion
  22. 贯穿深度 depth of penetration
  23. 贯穿理论 transversal theory
  24. 贯穿轴 through-going shaft
  25. 贯穿辐射 penetrating radiation
  26. 贯穿进给 through feed
  27. 贯穿针 transfixion pin
  28. 贯通 have a thorough knowledge of
  29. 贯通南北 running due north and due so...
  30. 贯通连接 through connection
  31. 贯高 Guan Gao
  32. two
  33. 贰心 disloyalty
  34. 贰臣 an official who retains his ...
  35. 贰轸 Er Zhen
  36. low-priced
  37. 贱买贱卖 buy and sell at low prices
  38. 贱买贵卖 buy cheap and sell dear
  39. 贱卖 sell cheap
  40. 贱如土苴 cheap as dirt
  41. 贱姓 my name
  42. 贱恙 my illness
  43. 贱民 people of a lower social sta...
  44. 贱狗 pariah dog
  45. 贱琼 Jian Qiong
  46. 贱相毕露 One's bad countenance is fla...
  47. 贱骨头 miserable wretch
  48. 贱鸢 pariahkite
  49. beautifully decorated
  50. 贲临 presence

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