1. 这里落了两行 Two lines are missing here. ...
  2. 这里谁管事 Who's in charge here? effica...
  3. 这里谈话不方便 It's not convenient to talk ...
  4. 这里边大有文章 There's a lot behind all thi...
  5. 这里面有点窍门 There's a knack in it.
  6. 这里面有点门道 There's a knack in it.
  7. 这里面有鬼 There's sth. fishy about it.
  8. 这里面牵扯许多大问题 There are many big things in...
  9. 这钉子太短不合用 The nail is too short to ser...
  10. 这钟一天慢两分钟 This clock loses two minutes...
  11. 这钢丝弹簧绕得很均匀 The wire spring is evenly co...
  12. 这门会自动锁上 The door locks automatically...
  13. 这门学科的文献极为丰富 The subject boasts of an ext...
  14. 这门学科的课他一节也没有听过 He has never received a sing...
  15. 这门学问 this branch of study
  16. 这门朝里开还是朝外开 Does this door open inwards ...
  17. 这门老叽叽嘎嘎响 This door always creaks.
  18. 这门课程预定在一年内修完 The course of study is to be...
  19. 这问题一下子把我难住了 The question put me on the s...
  20. 这问题咱们先搁一搁 Let's put the problem aside ...
  21. 这间屋向阳 The room has a southern expo...
  22. 这间屋子很敞亮 This room is light and spaci...
  23. 这间屋子有那间两个大 This room is twice the size ...
  24. 这间屋朝阳 The room has a southern expo...
  25. 这间房子向东 This room faces east. take s...
  26. 这阵儿 now
  27. 这陌生人的举止像生而富贵的人 The stranger's conduct was t...
  28. 这难道还不明白吗 Isn't this perfectly clear?
  29. 这非我所能理解 It passes my understanding.
  30. 这鞋小了两号 These shoes are two sizes to...
  31. 这鞋禁穿 These shoes are durable. con...
  32. 这鞍子安得很牢 The saddle is secure.
  33. 这音乐很刺耳 The music offended our ears....
  34. 这顶帽子我戴太小 This hat is too small for me...
  35. 这顶帽子正好配这件上衣 The hat is a match for the c...
  36. 这项产品的质量已经过关 The quality of this product ...
  37. 这项任务由他辅助你去完成 He will assist you to comple...
  38. 这项决议在掌声中获得通过 The resolution was carried a...
  39. 这项发现标志着空间技术向前迈进了一大步 The discovery marks a great ...
  40. 这项命令已不再生效 The order was no longer effe...
  41. 这项声明对两国的关系将产生影响 The declaraction will influe...
  42. 这项工作尚未完成 The work is not completed ye...
  43. 这项工作已经基本完成 The work has been completed ...
  44. 这项工作归他管 He is in charge of the task.
  45. 这项工作很费时 This piece of work is rather...
  46. 这项工作必须连夜赶完 The work had to be finished ...
  47. 这项工作我刚接手 I've just taken over the job...
  48. 这项工作现在进展得正如预期的那样快 The work is making as much p...
  49. 这项工作需要多少个工 How many man-days will it ta...
  50. 这项工程下马了 The project was abandoned.

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