1. 须弥芥子 the Buddha's mountain and th...
  2. 须我片刻 wait a moment for me
  3. 须朐 a surname
  4. 须朐元 Xuqu Yuan
  5. 须根 fibrous root
  6. 须生 an elderly male character
  7. 须癣 barber's itch
  8. 须眉 man
  9. 须眉男子 a manly man beard and eyebro...
  10. 须眉皆白 The beard and the eyebrows h...
  11. 须知 one should know that
  12. 须知胜利来之不易 It must be borne in mind tha...
  13. 须臾 moment
  14. 须臾不可离 cannot do without even for a...
  15. 须臾之间 in a moment
  16. 须要 must
  17. 须遂 a surname
  18. 须遂茂 Xusui Mao
  19. 须髯如戟 prickly moustache
  20. 须鬓皓然 with a white beard and white...
  21. 须鲸 whalebone whale
  22. a surname
  23. 顼岩 Xu Yan
  24. stupid
  25. 顽健 I'm well.
  26. 顽固 obstinate
  27. 顽固不化 incorrigibly obstinate conve...
  28. 顽固保守 brassbound
  29. 顽固分子 diehard
  30. 顽固地坚持错误立场 stubbornly cling to one's wr...
  31. 顽固派 the diehards
  32. 顽廉懦立 The corrupt became honest an...
  33. 顽强 indomitable
  34. 顽强不屈 stubborn and unyielding
  35. 顽强的革命精神 indomitable revolutionary sp...
  36. 顽抗 stubbornly resist
  37. 顽敌 stubborn enemy
  38. 顽梗 obstinate
  39. 顽梗不化 incorrigibly obstinate
  40. 顽疾 a stubborn illness mischievo...
  41. 顽症 chronic and stubborn disease
  42. 顽皮 naughty
  43. 顽石点头 Even the rocks nod in approv...
  44. 顽磁 magnetic retentivity
  45. 顽童 naughty boy
  46. 顽童似的恶作剧 boyish pranks
  47. 顽而不固 not hard unto death
  48. 顽英 Wan Ying
  49. 顽钝 dull and obtuse
  50. 顽钝无耻 dull and shameless

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