1. 龙眼肉 arillus longan
  2. 龙睛金鱼 telescope goldfish
  3. 龙睛鱼 dragon-eyes
  4. 龙章凤姿 great handsome appearance
  5. 龙章凤篆 signs of the dragon and phoe...
  6. 龙筋 keel
  7. 龙翔凤舞 The dragon soars,the phoenix...
  8. 龙肝凤心 dragon's liver and phoenix's...
  9. 龙肝凤髓 the dragon's liver and the p...
  10. 龙肝豹胎 great delicacies
  11. 龙胆 radix gentianae
  12. 龙胆宁 gentianin
  13. 龙胆浸膏 gentianae
  14. 龙胆紫 pyoktanin
  15. 龙胆酸 gentianic acid
  16. 龙脑 borneol
  17. 龙脑香 kapur
  18. 龙腾虎跃 dragons rising and tigers le...
  19. 龙舌兰 century plant
  20. 龙舞 dragon dance
  21. 龙舟 dragon boat
  22. 龙舟竞渡 dragon-boat regatta
  23. 龙舟赛 dragon-boat race
  24. 龙船 dragon-boat
  25. 龙葵 black nightshade
  26. 龙虾 lobster
  27. 龙蛇混杂 There were snakes and vipers...
  28. 龙蛇飞动 swift movement of calligraph...
  29. 龙蟠凤逸 have talent but no opportuni...
  30. 龙蟠虎踞 like a coiling dragon and cr...
  31. 龙行虎步 a majestic gait
  32. 龙袍 imperial robe
  33. 龙跃凤鸣 bright in intellect
  34. 龙钟 decrepit
  35. 龙钟之年 the period of senility
  36. 龙钟老者 a decrepit old man
  37. 龙门刨床 planer
  38. 龙门刨铣床 planer milling machine
  39. 龙门剪床 square shears
  40. 龙门吊 portal jib crane
  41. 龙门吊车 portal jib crane
  42. 龙门式吊运车 straddle truck
  43. 龙门板 sight rail
  44. 龙门汽锤 arch-type steam hammer
  45. 龙门石窟 the Longmen Grottoes
  46. 龙门磨床 planogrinder
  47. 龙门起重机 gantry crane
  48. 龙门钻床 planer drilling machine
  49. 龙门铣床 milling planer
  50. 龙须草 Chinese alpine rush

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