
发音:   用"caddisfly"造句
毛翅蝇 切翅泥苞虫 石蛾
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  1. The association of larval and adult stages of ecologically important caddisfly ( insecta : trichoptera ) using mitochondrial dna sequences larval and adult amplification fragments were cloned and sequenced . dna sequences were aligned using clustal x software ( gene codes corporation )
    线粒休dna一coi 、 u基因序列在毛翅目成幼虫联系中的应用研究扩增并测定了4种鳞石蛾的成、幼虫的mtdnacoi 、 coh及trna一leu基因序歹‘ j 。
  2. The morphological diagnostic characters for many mature and early instar larvae are still lacking in china . partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase i and ii and a transfor rna ( co i co ii and trna ) gene of the adults and larvae from caddisflies were . lepidostomaflavum , l . fui , l . arcuatum , paraphlegopteryx morsei , apsilochorema unculatum and apsilochorema hwangi , and the larval and adult stages of these species were sequenced and associated
    采用dnastarpackage中的editseq软件进行序列编辑、 orf查找;采用clustalx软件进行序列比对( alignment ) ;比对结果输入mega2 . 1软件计算各样品间的遗传距离,并基于kjmura2 - parameter模型,用邻接法( neighbor - jojning , nj )构建系统发生树,通过自展( bootstrap1000次)检验获得系统树分支的置信度。


  1. caddieshack 什么意思
  2. caddis 什么意思
  3. caddis flies 什么意思
  4. caddis fly 什么意思
  5. caddis worm 什么意思
  6. caddisfly larva 什么意思
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  9. caddo lake 什么意思
  10. caddo mills 什么意思


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